Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) Course

Bachelor of Commerce or B. Com is the most popular undergrad course in the country. This course is done after 12th standard. For your 12th, you have to choose streams like commerce, science and arts, and the students who did commerce, continue in the stream by choosing B.Com. However, students of other streams are also allowed to opt for a B. Com and this happens as this course has a lot of scope for further studies and making careers. One of the main advantages of the B.Com. degree is that you can find a good job and start a career right after graduation. You can also go for further studies for postgraduate degrees like MBA and PGDM. What you learn in your B.Com. degree forms as an excellent base for MBA and PGDM. Therefore, if you are thinking of doing B.Com. after 12th, you are on the right track for a good education. 

B. Com. Course Duration:

The B.Com. degree course is divided into 3 years of education. Each year, you have to select a specialisation. You are also allowed to have 2 backlogs in a year. But these backlog subjects have to be cleared in the next semester in order to move to the next year. If you can’t clear them or fail in more than 2 subjects, you will have to repeat the year. 


B. Com. Course Eligibility Criteria:

Not everyone is eligible to do B.Com. You need to clear certain eligibility criteria that you need to fit into. This is the following criteria: You need to have passed 12th standard in the commerce stream 12th standard graduates from other streams may also apply based on the discretion university and college. Colleges have cut-off percentages. You need to have scored more or equal to the cut-off percentage. Only then can you get admission. Colleges keep reducing cut-off percentages till seats get full. Private colleges can grant direct admission irrespective of the candidate’s percentage. 


B.Com. Admission Process:

The following is the common admission procedure you will have to go through for B. Com course:

  • After passing your 12th standard, you have to fill out the college admission forms available on the college and its website.
  • Fill out the form in which you can provide a list of preferred subjects. With the form, you have to attach a digital copy of your 12th standards marksheet and pay the required online fees.
  • Based on your 12th score and preferred colleges, you will be granted admission.